On Jul 29 09:35, Ryan Johnson wrote:
> http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU
> On 29/07/2013 8:15 AM, Ariel Burbaickij wrote:
> >OK, thank, you, so usual suspects. Now, removing, antivirus and stuff
> >will not be possible in this particular environment but adjustments in
> >the configuration are well possible, provided I will be able to prove
> >to administrators that troubles, indeed, stem from antivirus and co.
> >Now, I see in the FAQ in 4.42 section that these troubles were traced
> >and attributed to antiviri programs. Any more details about how they
> >were traced exactly, so that I can re-trace them too and provide a
> >proof, if needed?
> The proof usually goes something like this:
> 1. People report fork() failures on the list, and a correlation is
> noted between those failures and presence of app/antivirus X.
> 2. It is confirmed (or at least considered highly probable) that X
> performs dll injection, the root cause of these sorts of fork()
> failures.
> 3. Somebody tries disabling/removing X and the fork() failures go away.
> 4. X gets added to BLODA and reports of fork() failures, not
> attributable to X, disappear from the list.
> Eventually the process repeats when Y appears.

There's no Y.  The successor of X is allegedly called Wayland.


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