On 8/2/2013 11:15, Weston Turner wrote:
When I run a program from the shell,

...under what console/terminal? The Windows native console? MinTTY? xterm under Cygwin/X11?

pressing the
arrow keys sends console input to the program and moves the cursor
around the terminal

Attach cygcheck output per http://cygwin.com/problems.html

arrow command recall works as expected with these programs in other
shells including previous versions of Cygwin.

Since you say it didn't happen with earlier versions, I don't see how it makes sense to reference posts from April and January.

Also, please don't confuse terminology. A "shell" is a program like Bash, csh, etc. I think you mean "terminal," but your post isn't clear enough to make me certain of that.

References to other people Experiencing the same issue:

References to other people experiencing a superficially similar symptom. (FTFY)

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