On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 8:39 AM, David Lee Lambert <dav...@lmert.com> wrote:

> I recently "migrated" a Cygwin instance from Windows XP to Windows 7
> (wanted to save a bit of external bandwidth versus running the
> installer again, also had a lot of custom stuff under /usr/local and
> so forth).  X works fine.  I can't get sshd to work (started as a
> daemon it would present a host key but not accept any password to log

I ran into some ssh(d) related problems when I migrated laptops (older
ssd w/ Cygwin32 on Win7 migrated to an almost identical build but
fresh install of Win7 on a larger SSD) and copied all of my Cygwin
stuff over w/o re-installing. My problem was that sshd would start but
I could never connect to it.

> From that same terminal here are the permissions on /var and /var/empty...
> dllamber@IBM-635c7e0ffd0 /var
> $ ls -ld /var /var/empty
> drwx---r-x+ 1 Administrator None 0 Aug  8 11:26 /var
> drwxr-xr-x+ 1 SYSTEM        None 0 Aug  8 07:16 /var/empty
> From my "regular user" account, Cygwin terminal, here's what I get:
> dllamber@IBM-635c7e0ffd0 ~
> $ ls -l /var /var/empty
> ls: cannot open directory /var: Permission denied
> /var/empty:
> total 0

AFAIK, /var/empty should be owned by cyg_server. Delete the /var/empty

> Any advice?

I'm guessing you already tried re-running /usr/bin/ssh-host-config on
the new system?

Here are some things I did to get it working - delete the cyg_server
and sshd users from Windows' Local Users and Groups (in case it is
already there) - in your case since it's a new install, it might not
be there. Delete cyg_server from /etc/passwd in case it's there.
Possibly re-start (don't think this is required). Then re-run
ssh-host-config and try again.


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