On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Warren Young wrote:

> On 8/8/2013 05:08, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Though, I fail to see, how Cygwin telnet is different from, say PuTTY. Or
>> native Windows telnet.
> Windows 8 doesn't come with telnet.exe installed by default, and when you 
> install it from
> Programs and Features, it's invisible to Cygwin 32, apparently due to the SxS 
> madness.

Have you tried sysnative in case installing telnet gives you a 32-bit
version as well as a 64-bit one?

> Windows' telnet.exe doesn't even run particularly well within cmd.exe. 
> Telnetting to a local web
> server here, it didn't do local echo properly, so I couldn't see whether I'd 
> typed "GET /
> HTTP1.0" correctly.

Different versions of Windows have come with one of two telnets.
Early and late versions came
with the white-on-black, no-local-echo you have.  The others came with
with-local-echo, window-closes-when-connection-closes.  IIRC, the one
that closed when the
connection closed was dropped from Windows prior to HTTP persistent
connections being widely
supported, so was never useful for diagnosing HTTP.

Basically, Windows telnet (both versions) is proof that MIC.  Microsoft Is Crap.


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