On 8/10/2013 4:58 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Aug  9 23:05, David Rothenberger wrote:
>> mkpasswd appears to be broken in 1.7.23. Every switch I try to
>> give it, it response with "unknown switch -- -h" (or whatever
>> switch I used).
>> The mkpasswd from the 2013-07-29 snapshot is working fine.
>> mkgroup is also fine. The 32-bit mkpasswd is also fine.
> the 1.7.23 64 bit mkpasswd works fine for me, whatever command
> line switch I throw at it.

I reinstalled 1.7.23 and now it's working fine. Weirdly, I ssh'd into
a 1.7.22 box and it failed there the same way, but starting working as
soon as I updated to 1.7.23. Oh, well. I can live with the mystery.

Sorry for the noise.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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