Hi Saurabh,

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Saurabh T wrote:
> Is there a way to source a .bat file from bash and have the paths and other 
> environment variables set in it apply in cygwin?

Note that "to source" in UNIX shell parlance means "read the file and
interpret it". Bash can't do that with a .bat file (it's in a
different language).

You could run cmd.exe to interpret the .bat file, but changes to th
environment get lost when cmd.exe exits. One possibility is to run
bash from the cmd.exe window after the batch has finished.

some_command could be:

cp $1 /tmp/bat-to-bash-$1
echo 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login' >> /tmp/bat-to-bash-$1
cmd.exe /tmp/bat-to-bash-$1

(this might work, but I haven't tested it)

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