On 8/19/2013 3:13 PM, LMH wrote:
I would be happy to build gcc-3 myself, I'm just looking for some
documentation to get that done.

I don't have a direct pointer for you but I'm sure you can find something
while looking around the net.  gcc.gnu.org might be the best place to get
some basic info about building gcc though.  Of course, there's no reason
you can't just grab the old Cygwin source package and try to build it from
there.  But unless that process intrigues you, I'd recommend skipping the
extra effort and just installing the package from the "Cygwin Time Machine".


Was there some particular reason to physically remove the gcc-3 bin from my
cygwin install? What would have been the harm in leaving it there, since I
already had it installed? I think that many cygwin users would find it
useful to have the gcc3 packages included in the cygwin package manager,
even if they are in the obsolete section.

The Cygwin package for gcc-3 is no longer supported.  gcc-3 hasn't been
supported by the gcc folks for quite a while (I believe the last
release by them was back in 2005).  Cygwin delivered it as a package
for quite a while after that simply because 'setup.exe' required
it to build.  But this has subsequently changed so support for it has
since been dropped.  As I mentioned, there is a separate service that
Peter Castro maintains called the "Cygwin Time Machine".  You can find
older versions of Cygwin and its packages through this service.
Everything available through that service is no longer supported by Cygwin
or this list of course.

If the packages still exist and can be installed manually, I would love to
know where to find the packages and documentation. If I have to build it
from src, that is fine to, but some documentation would really be helpful
there as well.

Again, I'd recommend just pulling what you want from the "Cygwin Time
Machine" if you just want the binary packages.  See:


Of course, if you do want the sources, you can grab those from the same



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