Hello people of cygwin,

Now for my main concern. I'd like to migrate from cygwin to cigwin64 but I have many packages on cygwin, the 32-bit version, that I'd need to install as well on the destination version (64-bit) before the move is made. I'm not sure which packages are still useful although most should be as I read thoroughly for a long time the first cygwin install. I'd like to review the packages then install the same (what passed the cleanup) on cygwin64.

I did a search and the best I found was to use /cygcheck -c/ so I did on the origin, cygwin, which give me a bit over 450 packages (the destination of the migration being cygwin64). This is quite a list and I might as well start from scratch as I fist did (for the 32-bit version). I would very much like to know which of the 450 something were installed as dependencies so I can skip them, knowing they would be installed by installing the dependent.

IIRC on aptitude, on "regular" *nix, there was a flag is a package was a dependency. So if there would be a way to reproduce such a structure and list everything that wouldn't have such flag, it would be pretty much what I'm looking for.

Thank you kindly for your help,

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