On 8/23/2013 03:49, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Since it neither makes sense to propagate the Cygwin-specific child_info_spawn block to native processes, nor to Cygwin processes with a different bitsize, I just disabled this, so you can now start 32 bit Cygwin processes from 64 bit Cygwin processes and vice versa, starting with the snapshots I'm just generating.
Beautiful! I just tried this snapshot: http://cygwin.com/snapshots/x86_64/cygwin1-20130823.dll.bz2 and my 'ls' test succeeded. Alas, my Orpie test failed: $ PATH=/cygdrive/c/cygwin32/lib/lapack /cygdrive/c/cygwin32/bin/orpie Fatal error: exception Assert_failure("main.ml", 30, 3) Line 30 of main.ml is: assert (cbreak ()); So....ncurses isn't working correctly across the exec() boundary?
I just hope this won't lead to more confusion if 32 bit processes started from 64 bit (or vice versa) don't act as expected in some circumstances.
Oh, it probably will, but a cygcheck dump will tell us when this is probably happening, because both Cygwin bins will be in the PATH.
I'm hoping this new behavior will simply serve to let more people move to Cygwin 64 before absolutely everything is ported.
To my mind, the biggest negative consequence of this improvement is that it might delay the porting of some packages by removing an incentive.
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