On Aug 23 16:26, Fritz, Jason wrote:
> Thanks Corinna, I suppose I'll try to reinstall.  Is there an easy way
> to see a list of packages I've installed on top of the default
> install, so that I can install all those same packages?

Uh, no, there's no such functionality, but you can call `cygcheck -c'
to see the list of all installed packages.

> FYI, each time I run setup-x86.exe I get the same behavior.  Here is a
> snippet of a follow-on session from setup.log (notice the 7 min stall
> at autorebase.bat):

I'm not sure why it should take seven minutes, but it can take a lot
of time of you installed a lot of DLLs.  It's nothing to worry about,
as long as it works.

Can you try what happens if you stop all Cygwin processes, start a
lone dash.exe and enter "/usr/bin/rebaseall" on the command line?
Does it run and silently exits, or do you see any kind of error message?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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