On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Warren Young wrote:
> On 9/4/2013 09:36, Jim Garrison wrote:
>> Am I missing something, or is there a reason one would want to run a
>> Linux emulator under a Windows emulator on Linux?
> For myself, it is occasionally nice to have a Cygwin sandbox environment to
> play with when I'm on one of my Macs, away from a Windows box.  Wine is
> cheaper than a VM in terms of hardware requirements and licensing.

You must have some very expensive hardware.  I'm running VirtualBox
VMs on my laptop; which has a Windows 7 OS and two of those VM are
different versions of Windows.  The problem I have with my VM on my
laptop is that when I'm away from the external drives I have the
virtual disks stored on they don't work; but that is a seldom

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