On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 07:02:03AM +0000, Mark Geisert wrote:
>> >> $ rsync --dry-run --delete -uvxhir "/cydrive/m/Music Converted"
>> >> /cygdrive/G/
>> >> sending incremental file list
>> >> rsync: change_dir "/cydrive/m" failed: No such file or directory (2)
>> $ rsync --dry-run --delete -uvxhir /cydrive/m/Music\ Converted /cygdrive/G/
>> sending incremental file list
>> rsync: change_dir "/cydrive/m" failed: No such file or directory (2)
>I see "cygdrive" misspelled as "cydrive" in a couple places.  What happens
>when that's corrected?

Sheesh.  I should have caught that!

Thanks Mark.

Can we get a gold star for Mark for being observant?


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