On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:56 AM, David Griffiths
<david.griffi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, that's exactly right, assuming that 'boo' doesn't exist.
> Hi, it happens even if boo does exist. To put it in context, the
> script in question was attempting to determine the current directory:
> CURRENT_DIR=$(cygpath -ma "${0}"/../)

I am confused: do they need the current directory or the directory
where the script resides?  The use of -m also sounds a bit weird to
me.  I'd rather use -u or -w depending on who is supposed to use the
value (i.e. a Windows process or a Unix Cygwin process).

> (I didn't write this script but I assume they did this for performance 
> reasons.)

For the same I'd rather do

DIR_OF_SCRIPT=$(dirname "$0") && test -d "$DIR_OF_SCRIPT" || exit 1

> But anyway, as you can see ${0} always exists.

$ dash -c 'echo $0; for a; do echo "arg: $a"; done'
$ dash -c 'echo $0; for a; do echo "arg: $a"; done' bla
$ dash -c 'echo $0; for a; do echo "arg: $a"; done' bla foo
arg: foo
$ dash -c 'echo $0; for a; do echo "arg: $a"; done' -- bla foo
arg: bla
arg: foo

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

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