On 9/19/2013 1:32 AM, Robert McBroom wrote:
On 9/18/2013 9:57 PM, Ken Brown wrote:

On 9/18/2013 9:07 PM, Robert McBroom wrote:
Having trouble getting an acceptable fixed font display on emacs. All my
old standards don't seem to be showing up any more. terminal, fixed,
courier, 8514fix, etc.
-fn "Lucida Console-8" worked for a while but not any more
error: Invalid font name, -b&h-Lucida

-fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1"

I would really like a 9pt font so I can get four windows on my wide

Click on "Set Default Font" in the "Options" menu.  It will show you
the available fonts.  There are many 9pt fonts available on my system.
After selecting one you like, click on "Save Options", and your choice
will be used by default in future sessions.

See the "Fonts" section of the emacs manual for much more information.

Done that many times, but don't find any usable fixed fonts.  The
declarations in my earlier email are ones as exampled in the "Fonts"
section of the emacs manual that have worked in the past but don't seem
to now.  Can't see any thing that shows up wrong in /usr/share/fonts.

Maybe you should try reinstalling your font packages. Or run 'fc-cache -fsv'.

Save Options says changes to .emacs are saved but the file doesn't
change even though the file is rwxrwxrwx.

If you change an option (by selecting a new default font, for instance) and click Save Options, the customization section of your .emacs should get rewritten. Are you saying this doesn't happen?

You haven't said which emacs executable you're running, but I assume it's emacs-X11.exe. Is that right? If instead you're running emacs-w32.exe, that might explain the font problem.

And please attach your cygcheck output, as requested at



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