On 9/25/2013 10:11 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote: <snip>
In fact, what would be the issue to set the requested execution level to "asInvoker" for the official setup-x86_64.exe? People with admin rights will still be able to install for all users and people without admin rights will be able to install for them-selves.
Doesn't that mean that "setup-x86_64.exe" needs to be "Run as Administrator" to be installed for "All Users"? If so, I wouldn't be in favor of the change because it changes the default install behavior (= more confusion/ list traffic). -- Larry _____________________________________________________________________ A: Yes. > Q: Are you sure? >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email? -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple