On 08/10/2013 3:34 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 10/8/2013 3:25 PM, David Boyce wrote:
But as a point of practicality, 64-bit Cygwin can help with some cases of
DLL address space collisions.  So if you haven't experimented with
64-bit Cygwin in your environment, it may be worth your time.

This sounds very reasonable but I'm curious: is it to date just a
theory that makes sense or have there been actual reports of 64-bit
Cygwin solving address-space collisions?

Solving?  Well no.  It won't "solve" address-space collisions. But the
larger address space means that there's less chance of the O/S picking
the address your DLL wants for another.  No guarentees of course. ;-)

One data point: I managed to make it a few weeks from a clean win64/cygwin64 install to the first BLODA symptoms, even though Windows Defender was alive and well that whole time. Once it hit, though, there was no obvoius way out except to disable WD. Rebooting might also help, by resetting an especially unfriendly ASLR arrangement.


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