I am trying to run a clean automated setup using 
>> setup-x86.exe -n -q
Afterwards there is a problem with a missing "cygint-8.dll", so i try to 
install it via manual setup.
It seems, that some dependent packages: 
"bzip2, diffutils, gettext, groff, less, libattr1, libbz2_1, libgcc1, libgmp10, 
libgmp3, libiconv2, libintl8, liblzma5, libmpfr4, libncurses10, libncursesw10, 
libpcre0, libpopt0, libstdc++6, texinfo,xz, _autorebase, _update-info-dir"
are not being installed when using the automated setup, but are when using the 
manual setup.

The obvious fix is to install these using the "-P" option, but shouldn't there 
be an easier way to install dependent packages using automated installation?

Greetings, Josef
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