On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 04:23:45PM -0400, cygwin AT kosowsky.org wrote:
>Would it be possible to post an update of (still) missing 64 bit packages?
>The last I saw was from 2 months ago and certainly great progress has
>been made in winnowing down the list. Perhaps reposting would help
>stimulate some focus on those that have yet to be ported.
>Some of the missing packages are pretty basic *nix stuff like 'procps'
>(includes among other things 'top' and pgrep/pkill). In particular,
>pgrep/pkill are fundamental building blocks to many scripts...

You can see what's available at http://cygwin.com/packages/

A list of missing packages is periodically posted to the apps list.  The
maintainers know that they have to eventually release packages.  Sending
something here isn't likely to spur them to work harder.


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