On 2013-10-09-21:50, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Frank, Matthew I!
> > I believe my problem is identical to the one reported in:
> > http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2012-02/msg00456.html, but that message
> chain ended with
> > "mount your file system noacl" which isn't an option for me, so I'm
> looking for
> > other alternatives.
> Please explain, how it is not an option for you?

This problem came up in the context of a makefile which is being used by
dozens of programmers on dozens of machines, including build servers in
a machine room, and being invoked from a Windows cmd prompt, not from
Cygwin's bash shell.  I can't tell everyone to modify their /etc/fstab
or /etc/fstab.d/<username> just for my makefile.  We need to be able to
checkout the makefile and code from the repo into a standard build
environment (one with specific compilers installed, and Cygwin installed
and with Cygwin's /usr/bin on the path) and type 'make install'.

> This sounds exactly like an issue you would run while trying to mix Cygwin
> and corporate environment.
> TL;DR: Choose one. Either corporate-enforced ACL control, and disable
> Cygwin
> emulation of POSIX permissions, or Cygwin ACLs and keep away from
> corporate
> environments.

Even if this were true (which I don't think it is, see my discussion with
Larry Hall) it seems impolitic to say it out loud.  If we didn't need to
create at least some of our files using native Windows utilities, then
we would set up Linux machines with mingw cross compilers, not work on a
Windows machine with Cygwin.  I use Cygwin because I don't have any choice
about using Windows.


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