Greetings, Paul King!

> I sent an earlier message to the list (or possibly to the vim list)
> about my problems in getting the vundle distro to work under the vim
> text editor. I am glad to report that the problem is solved, and this
> is what I found:

> This is a "cygwin" problem, although not necessarily a bug; more like
> a PEBCAK problem in the package selection stage, as there are 3 vim
> packages to choose from.

> The "vim" command is a different "vim" than the "vi" command. Both are
> "vim", but come from different vim packages. In Linux and other *nix
> systems, vi is symbolically linked to vim, but not in this case.

It is _commonly_ linked to vim, but that really only because most of the
distros you've worked with have full version of vim installed by default.
Cygwin offers vim (full) and vim-minimal packages.
If you intend to use full one, I suggest you remove vim-minimal and make a
familiar symlink for vi.
You can find more details, and the reason behind the change, in the list
archives for this year.

> These
> are different copies of vim, and both look in different places for the
> .*rc file. I found that "vi" looks first in ~/.virc and second in
> ~/.vim/vimrc. When you install vundle. the second place is a
> directory, causing "vi" to choke. Even when that is corrected, it
> doesn't know how to handle the Bundle command, and you get a wild
> flurry of error messages.

That is to be expected.

> vim, however, looks first in ~/.vimrc which exists, and in turn
> sources files under ~/.vim/vimrc. It waits a few moments, then opens
> your file. This is consistent with my experience with vim/vundle under
> other OS'es.

> So, for me it was just a matter of logging in with my Administrator
> account, then moving "vi" to "_vi"; then agreeing with custom, linking
> vim symbolically to vi.

Andrey Repin ( 14.10.2013, <08:55>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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