
2013/10/17 Lee <ler...@gmail.com>:
> On 10/16/13, Jakub Horbacewicz <ku...@partyinfo.com.pl> wrote:
>> OK, thank you guys for your help. Fortunately I've installed Rancid
>> (with http://openmaniak.com/rancid_tutorial.php help) on cygwin but
>> now facing next problem - can't login into any device using clogin. I
>> can ping, telnet/ssh to any device from my test environment, but
>> Rancid can not. Always happens nothing, just like that:
>> Administrator@backup /home/rancid
>> $ /home/rancid/bin/clogin
>> Administrator@backup /home/rancid
>> I guess I have correct statements in my .cloginrc and router.db files:
> nope, cloginrc is incorrect
>> add method telnet
>> add user username
>> add password password enablePassword
> man cloginrc
>    ...
>    Note: the braces ({}) surrounding the values is significant when
> the values include TCL meta-characters.
> I'd suggest always using curly braces - eg:
> add user         {}    {me}
> add password  {10.10.10.l0}    {foo}
> add method    *  {ssh}

@Lee - nope, that's not an issue. You can sucessfully put variables
without braces. I could not run Rancid on Cygwin. Fortunately I was
finally allowed to change operating system on that machine so now
Rancid is working perfectly on native Linux OS.

Thank you guys for your help.


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