Le Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:08:50 +0200, Jean-Pierre Flori a écrit :
> This is true both with Cygwin's shipped Python 2.7.x and the one I built
> for Sage.
> Here is a small snippet of code reproducing the problem:
> """
> [Blah python stuff]
>>>> from multiprocessing import Pool p = Pool(3)
>>>> p.map(anything suitable)
> ...
> ValueError: semaphore or lock released too many times """
> This might be a problem with Python but I seem to remember succeeding in
> this test some time ago with the same version of Python.
> I tried Cygwin's GCC (4.7.3) and a custom built FSF GCC 4.8.2 without
> success. I also tried to replace Cygwin binaries with version 1.7.0 and
> a few others before 1.7.25 without apparent changes.
> So I'm a little lost now.
> Can anyone reporduce that?
> Any help would be appreciated!
For your info, I was unable to reproduce such a behavior on Cygwin 32 v 
1.7.25 installs running on 64 bits Windows 7 both on real hardware and 
VirtualBox 4.3...


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