On 10/26/2013 5:40 AM, David Stacey wrote:
On 25/10/13 17:12, Charles Wilson wrote:
Oooo - this sounds like fun. I've knocked up some (very bad) perl that
gives you what you need. It generates a graphviz file that you can pipe
to 'dot' to generate the dependency graph in whatever format you
require. Put the perl script and your 'setup.ini' file in the same
directory and type:

     ./graph_setup_ini.pl | dot -Tpdf -osetup.pdf

Thanks, that worked well.

Your problem here is Big Data: Cygwin has 3041 packages, and any
dependency graph with this number of nodes is going to look a mess. It
also takes a while to process the data. Oh, and some PDF viewers won't
display the output file (LibreOffice Draw was the only tool I have that
managed it). However, if your starting point is a stripped down Cygwin
then you might be OK.

Yeah; even for my stripped-down version, I need to pre-process the setup.ini and remove all mentions of cygwin, libstdc++6, libgcc1, etc. The ncurses DLLs are also a huge nexus. (It's probably easier to exclude those nodes by mucking with the perl, but...)


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