On 10/26/2013 03:12 PM, Balaji Venkataraman wrote:
On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
It's been very quite about this issue. Usually at least somebody responds. I
fear that perhaps nobody's seeing this. Could somebody, anybody, simply
respond if even just to say "Yeah, I see this. Don't have an answer though"
I'd appreciate it.
I see something similar intermittently but only when I try to clone in
a non-Administrator shell and that too only on cygwin32. It doesn't
happen when I'm in an administrator shell. Haven't been able to figure
it out - although I'm having other problems where I can't run many
commands from a 32bit Cygwin shell - so I don't want to set you off on
a random thread. Are you able to do things like man, make etc. from
the same shell?
Interesting. Running an administrator shell works! The odd thing is that I logged in as the user Administrator, the local user Administrator. I assume it has administrator rights but I know that there are administrator rights and then there are administrator rights. So it seems the problem lies between the two. How to debug this further and fix it?
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Black holes really suck.

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