I take tar backups from several different machines using cygwin-64 on
Windows 7, plus tar backups from my linux box. When they're all done,
I use cygwin on a WindowsXP box (cygwin-32) to copy the backup files
to an offsite location and then verify the tar files. All this has
worked great for several years but now appears to be broken.

I just created a tar backup on the newly-upgraded Windows7/cygwin-64
machine, but the verify on my WindowsXP/cygwin-32 fails with the
following error:

$ tar ztvf /cygdrive/J/backups_2013-10-25/EDP23_2013-10-31_C.tgz > /dev/null
tar: Archive value -11112764583 is out of time_t range -2147483648..2147483647

At first glance, it looks like the 64-bit archive has a number too
large for the 32-bit machine?

I've recreated the tar backup to make sure that it wasn't a real error
in the backup and still get the identical error...
I've updated the setup on the 32-bit machine...

Any suggestions for what I should check to see if it's a pilot error
or to get a work-around?


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