D. Boland writes:
> I think I have new information on the stealing of ownership. Below test has 
> been
> performed on the Apache folder, placed in the Windows Program Files folder by 
> the
> Apache msi installer:
> "/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Apache Group/Apache2/"
> But if I perform the same test in my Cygwin home directory, vi behaves 
> beautifully.
> So, I was thinking this difference must be related to the Windows ACL 
> assigments on
> the "Program Files" folder.

If you are operating as a normal user on this folder, you aren't
actually editing the files you think you see there, the whole contents
is virtualized by UAC and redirected to your own personal copy on edit.
If you want to keep your sanity, do not place anything that you intend
to edit / change as a normal user into system directories on Win7 (that
includes Cygwin itself).


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