On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 11:20:15AM +1100, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
>As the OP has suggested in a recent post in their "Building a snapshot"
>thread, the problem is that there is a mix in methods to locating
>xidepend, whereby it is referenced via a relative dir path which would
>be direct.
>Only that there is a change of directory beforehand to which the
>relative dir path is no longer applicable, and this causes error. For me
>this was happening with a separate build dir, but I suspect that it
>would happen regardless, as the winsup/doc subpath lives under the
><target_architecture> subdir that is created exclusively for the build
>In-lining that patch will make that clearer:
>--- a/winsup/doc/Makefile.in
>+++ b/winsup/doc/Makefile.in
>@@ -91,6 +91,6 @@ cygwin-docs.tar.bz2 : $(TBFILES) $(TBDEPS)
>  Makefile.dep: cygwin-ug-net.xml
>         builddir=`pwd` \
>         && cd $(srcdir) \
>-       && $(srcdir)/xidepend $^ > "$${builddir}/$@"
>+       && ./xidepend $^ > "$${builddir}/$@"
>  -include Makefile.dep
>Beyond that, I also experienced the (minor) fop issue, and did not
>persevere. As I did not need the documentation to be built.

Your patch is correct.  I just checked in a variation of it along with
reinstating the "build in doc errors are ignored" behavior.

Many GNU projects deprecate using relative paths to the source
directory, probably just for problems like this.  However, it's
always been possible in Cygwin so it should remain possible.


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