On 11/17/2013 7:43 PM, SDS wrote:
Emacs-w32 aborts about once/twice a day when using SSH with TRAMP. I
rarely use Emacs without TRAMP, so I'm not sure whether this issue is
really related to TRAMP. The abort doesn't appear to be caused by
direct user input, as I've seen background sessions that I haven't
touched for several hours suddenly abort.

Can you do some experimentation to try to narrow this down?  For example:

* Is it related to Tramp or not?

* Does the abort still occur if you start emacs with "emacs -Q"?

* Is the problem specific to emacs-w32 or does it happen with emacs-nox and emacs-X11 also?

* Is there a minimal sequence of steps that will eventually lead to an abort? Is starting up Tramp and then leaving emacs idle sufficient?

* Have you checked http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.using.bloda ?


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