On 11/17/2013 1:31 AM, marco atzeri wrote:
starting to see programs with

configure.ac:16: error: Libtool version 2.4.2 or higher is required
m4/libtool.m4:48: LT_PREREQ is expanded from...

any chanche to move on ?

On the related libtool annaunce, some time ago:

Now that (a) inetutils is out, and (b) all of the automakes and autoconfs are updated, (c) libtool is next on my to-be-updated/64bit-ified list. This includes running the test suite (a 10-15 hour effort), and investigating/fixing the regressions. So it is not a quick task.

However, I still have the ongoing issues with run/run2 to track down first.


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