Around 2013-12-02 14:11, Jon TURNEY was heard to say:
On 02/12/2013 12:13, Markus Hoenicka wrote:
I'm running emacs-x11 24.3.1 on

CYGWIN_NT-5.1 sbhc123 1.7.25(0.270/5/3) 2013-08-31 20:39 i686 Cygwin

I used to be able to copy text from Emacs to Windows applications through the clipboard without practical size limitations. However, since my last Cygwin upgrade (which updated both Emacs and cygwin1.dll to the versions mentioned above) the clipboard seems to be limited in size. All I do is the following:

- open a file containing ASCII text, amounting to like three printed pages of
- at the beginning of the buffer, press Ctrl-Space
- at the end of the buffer, press M-w
- switch to a Windows application (any that can handle unformatted text will
do, use e.g. LibreOffice Writer)
- insert the text using Ctrl-v

stderr shows the following messages:

winClipboardWindowProc - timed out waiting for WIN_XEVENTS_NOTIFY_DATA
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - X*TextPropertyToTextList
returned: XConverterNotFound
winClipboardWindowProc - timed out waiting for WIN_XEVENTS_NOTIFY_TARGETS

On the receiving end, the message reads something like:

"Clipboard does not contain specified formatted data"

Trial and error tells me that I can copy 6104 characters without problems. Trying to copy 6105 or more characters triggers the error. I'll try and see if this number is constant across reboots. Copying within Emacs, i.e. by yanking the text into a different buffer, is not affected. The problem persists if I
start Emacs using the -q flag.

This looks like the same issue as reported in [1], so you might like to try
the snapshot from [2] and see if it improves things for you?

What you write does seem to support the theory that this is a regression in select() in the cygwin DLL. It might be useful if you could say what version of the cygwin DLL you had when it was working correctly before you upgraded.



thanks for your quick reply. Yes, the XWin.exe snapshot seems to fix the problem for me. I tried a few copy+paste cycles with the amount of text that I usually shuffle around, and there were no errors or warnings.

As for the Cygwin DLL version before upgrading, I can only guess. I update only when need arises, so it may well have been 6 months or so since the last update. I'm sorry that I can't be more specific here.


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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