Doing a simple command like

  git config -e

just hangs the terminal.  I can break out or suspend the process, but
in both cases it, the git that I though I was executing is terminated
and the git underneath remains, leaving a sh process executing a vim
process.  I.e. what the process tree looks like:

  bash   -- my current shell
  \_ bash  -- ?? executed when executing git command
   \_ git   -- the git that I thought I invoked
    \_ git   -- ?? git invoked another git
     \_ sh    -- git invoking sh to invoke vim
      \_ vim   -- finally, the actual vim process

after I do a Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z I get:

  bash   -- my current shell
  git    -- ?? git invoked another git
   \_ sh  -- git invoking sh to invoke vim
    \_ vim -- finally, the actual vim process

Switching the editor to nano I get:

  bash   -- my current shell
  \_ bash  -- ?? executed when executing git command
   \_ git   -- the git that I thought I invoked
    \_ git   -- ?? git invoked another git
     \_ nano  -- git invoked nano directly

If I were to suspend the editor, they say:

  Use "fg" to return to nano
  Received SIGHUP or SIGTERM
  error: There was a problem with the editor 'nano -z'.

Can someone confirm that this is a bug?

If I use gvim as my editor, it executes gvim and returns right away,
not waiting for gvim to terminate.  This appears to be another bug.



            Adrian Hawryluk
         BSc. Computer Science
           Specialising in:
        OOD Methodologies in UML
  OOP Methodologies in C, C++ and more
        RT Embedded Programming
            GUI Development

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