On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:01 AM, <wynfield gmail.com> wrote:
> Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >> ....
> >
> > It isn't incredibly difficult to understand:  Some poorly written makefiles
> > put a -lib before the object files which rely on them.  That works by
> > coincidence in Linux but doesn't work on Windows.  So put the -libraries
> > last.
> > --
> What is the basis for the assertion that placing -lib before object files is 
> an undesirable thing to do?  Knowing why would be educational for all who 
> don't know or think otherwise.  For example placing definitions prior use 
> prevents undefined forward reference problems.  I am not commenting on 
> possible efficiencies or either technique.  Whether by design or fortune, 
> Linux allows developers a less restrictive ordering.   I suppose that the 
> ordering is due for the lack of functionality in the linker that Cygwin uses.
> Cheers

CGF wrote "on Windows"
it is not a cygwin specific issue, and also other platforms other than
Windows work in the same way.

For a nice explanation


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