On 2014-01-13 12:22, Christopher Faylor wrote:
Actually, I didn't upload the 64-bit groff.  This is one of the reasons
why I had reservations about people other than the package maintainers
uploading packages.  The end result is that I'm forced to deal with
someone else's decision.  This has been the case for a few of my
packages, uploaded during the 64-bit transition.  If I had created the
package I might have paused at the perl dependency since clearly groff
is part of base.

There is no practical difference in packaging between your 1.21-2.i686 and 1.22.2-1.x86_64; they both include basically the same scripts, and therefore *both* should rightly depend on perl. Probably the best solution to avoiding the perl dep in Base is to split up groff as on Fedora, where 13 perl scripts plus their manpages and data are in a separate groff-perl package.


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