> On 1/16/2014 12:10 PM, BGINFO4X wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I have a "Windows service implementation of cygwin" via NSSM
>> (http://nssm.cc/). I use cygwin 1.7.27 32 bits.
>> If I configure the service as "allow service to interact with
>> desktop", the UIODETEC.exe is not started, so I can't see the console.
>> Do you know why uiodetect is not started with 32-bit cygwin
>> executables? Any workaround? I tested it on W2008 R2 (64 bits) and W7
>> 32 bits

Sorry, I was half wrong: on windows 7 - 32 bits it works.

The problem happens only on W2008R2 (64 bits) with cygwin 32 binaries.

For example, when launching only bash.exe as a service, bash EXITS immediately.

But, If I launch bash.exe  and then another win32bit executable (ex:
msys sh.exe), then OIUDetect is "captured" and bash.exe doesn't exit.

So "it seems that 32 bits cygwin are not correctly managed on 64 bits systems"

> The only workaround I can think of is to start the uiodetect service.

No, this is not the question: uiodetect is always started.

Could you help me?

Thanks a lot for your time.

> --
> Larry
> _____________________________________________________________________
> A: Yes.
>> Q: Are you sure?
>>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
> --
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