> > Simplest way to reproduce is this: run 'screen', then run 'vim', then
> > exit with ':q'.  My bash prompt is now on the bottom line of my mintty
> > window, but everything I type, and all output after that, stays on the
> > last line, each line overwriting the previous.  Using 'clear', or
> > switching to another screen window and back with Ctrl-A commands,
> > fixes the problem.  If I run vim without screen, then it restores the
> > previous window contents after vim exits.  This always happens with
> > empty files; it sometimes happens when editing other files, but it
> > doesn't always, and I haven't tried it extensively to try to figure
> > out why.
> Looks like vim isn't the only problem here, nor is screen.  I was able
> to see some other poor behaviour by looking at a man page and then
> searching for a string which didn't exist--whether running 'screen' or
> not.  It displayed "Pattern not found" on the bottom line, which
> caused a bunch of lines to be pushed upward by one, leaving much
> duplication and confusion.  (I would attach a screenshot here, but the
> mailer-daemon rejected both png and jpg formats.  What does it like,
> gif?  bmp?  tiff?)  I believe I'm using 'less' for my pager, and I can
> see the same thing using less.  Less, vim, man...wasn't there another
> issue recently that involved those?  Maybe I'll try that snapshot and
> see if that helps with this problem at all.

I also saw this problem yesterday.  I was using screen, but not vim - it
happened in a bash session.  I don't know what caused it.  After a while
I did something to reconfigure the terminal - I can't remember what, but
maybe I killed the shell or screen session - and it cleared up again.

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