On 23/01/2014 14:36, Warren Young wrote:
> On 1/22/2014 18:13, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> If you were actually volunteering to do something then it wasn't made
>> clear by your long email or in your lack of response to Larry's SHTDI.
> I'm not going to volunteer until I have some concept of the scope of work, 
> and some idea of how you'd want the problem solved.  That's why it would have 
> been better if your reply had given me some guidance.
> Maybe I should be flattered that you think I can just jump into the middle of 
> the single most complicated part of setup.exe, its very core, and not only 
> figure out a way to solve my issue, but to actually solve it in a way that's 
> going to be accepted.

I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I suspect the problem with
maintenance/extension of setup.exe is twofold: firstly, it's a non-Cygwin
program and secondly it is large and not well structured.  Also, the original
implementer/maintainer has long since left the Cygwin community.

One solution to this would be to reimplement it as two separate parts - a
non-Cygwin envelope (which could even be installed as an msi) and a
Cygwin-based package maintainer.  The Cygwin-based part would be a
completely separate Cygwin installation, with its own cygwin1.dll, and
a minimal set of utilities, and would not interfere with the main installation.
The non-cygwin wrapper would simply install/update this mini-Cygwin system
and invoke the Cygwin-based package maintainer.

The package maintainer would be based on the existing setup.exe, and would
benefit from being able to take advantage of the Cygwin layer - in particular
that would remove the need to back-port Cygwin knowledge into the various
filesystem-related components of setup.exe such as tar.  Indeed, the package
maintainer need not have a built-in tar as it could use (a private copy of)
the main Cygwin tar utility.

As I see it the main downside of this is the problem of implementing a
windows GUI in a Cygwin program without the overhead of using X.

It would be a lot of work to get there - but once in place I imagine there
would be a lot more volunteer effort to maintain/improve it.

And no - sorry, I'm not offering to do any of the work.  It would be fun but
I just haven't the time.

-- Cliff

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