> And, of course, without optimization it works.  So, I managed to narrow this
> down to the ctor itself: compiling it with -O0 or -O1 works, but not with
> -O2 or -O3; other functions seem to be fine at -O2.  The diffstat between
> the resulting assemblies of that file is huge, so I haven't diagnosed the
> actual cause yet.  Feel free to let me know if you're interested. :-)
> In the meantime, the workaround is easy, so I just uploaded p11-kit-0.18.7-2
> and ca-certificates-1.96-2 for x64 only.  If you are running 64-bit Cygwin
> on Windows 8.0 x64, those releases should fix this for you.

Oh! It's brilliant!

I checked it.
I reinstalled p11-kit, p11-kit-trust and libp11-kit0.
And it works fine at the cygwin64 under the Windows 8.

Thanks so much!


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