I'm having the same trouble under 64-bit bash/readline as this thread from

Briefly, under vi mode ("set -o vi") the "dd" command doesn't delete the
entire line, but only moves the cursor to the start of the line.

This is bash-4.1.11(2) and libreadline7 version 6.2-1.  As with the OPs,
this worked fine under 32-bit (I'd have to go look on my old laptop to find
the versions there).

Some other things I found:

"cc" and "yy" exhibit the same problem... they don't do their intended
functions but instead act like the "0" key and go to the start of the line.

I tried doing a bind to make "dd" work as expected, and I could do so, but
then other "d" commands stop working: "dw", "dW", "dt..." etc.  I don't know
if that's another symptom of this bug or if it's because my inputrc-foo is
severly lacking.

I tried installing gdb and the debug symbols and source code, but I couldn't
convince gdb to set a breakpoint in the relevant-looking functions in
libreadline.  My C skills are passable but my gdb skills are severely rusty,
and I've never tried using either of them on the Cygwin platform.

This bug is a major nuisance for my daily use of bash.  I'm happy to try to
help debug this if I can, though as I found, my skills might not be up to
scratch on this one.

Jason B.

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel
        -- T. S. Eliot

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