On 2/6/2014 07:13, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Btw., it would be a good idea to get rid of calls to getpwent/getgrent
in future.  They *probably* won't do anymore what they were supposed to
do if you don't have passwd/group files.

There must be a way to list an executable's DLL imports, and thereby do a survey on Cygwin to see which executables currently import those functions. If so, I know a guy who currently has all of Cygwin downloaded and ready to re-install, to test this. :)

I tried futzing with objdump, nm, and dumpbin, and couldn't get anything useful. Mainly what I got was either irrelevant or complaints of the "no string table" sort.

> A full implementation would
require to enumerate the local SAM and, at least, the primary domain
accounts at runtime.  That would be possible, but it comes at a hefty
price in terms of performance.

Linux and Cygwin are pretty much the last ones standing when it comes to preferentially reading plain text files in /etc for user info. Big iron Unix, the BSDs, and Mac OS X now all treat these files as secondary to some behind-the-scenes database.

In some of these systems, you can edit /etc/foo and run a command to manually sync that content back to the "real" user info DB. (e.g. the BSDs) In others, direct edits to these files are ignored, but the OS syncs a subset of changes to the user info DB to these files, for the benefit of getpwent() and friends. (e.g. Mac OS X.)

In Cygwin, we have a kind of hybrid of these, owing to the fact that the integration between Cygwin and Windows is pretty much one-way. We have mkpasswd/group, which treats the DB as primary, like OS X, but which must be run manually to sync changes, like the BSDs.

I don't see a reason for this to change, given that so many other POSIX systems share aspects of this behavior.

It would be nicer if Cygwin behaved more like OS X in this regard. That is, for mkpasswd/group to be run automatically when the SAM/AD changes. I don't see Microsoft doing that for us, though.

The only way I can think of for Cygwin to do that for itself would be to run mkpasswd/group from setup.exe, in the same way that it runs autorebase.

I realize the current recommended practice is to keep /etc/foo as small as possible, but shouldn't an AD/SAM DB lookup be faster than a linear scan of a large /etc/foo file? Why lament the fact that getpwent() is slow, when getpwnam() is its logical replacement, and presumably much faster?

(I assume getpwnam() consults SAM/AD in Cygwin, now or in Cygwin.next.)

Here's the Mac OS X passwd(5) man page: http://goo.gl/AwIHku

It's relevant here because Mac OS X uses OpenDirectory, an LDAP directory server. In that way, it is not unlike future-Cygwin+AD.

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