On 10/02/2014 14:16, Achim Gratz wrote:
Luke Kendall <luke.kendall <at> cisra.canon.com.au> writes:
The 64 bit Cygwin distribution now has $num_pk_64 packages, compared
with $num_pk_32 in the 32 bit version.
There are 3109 packages in x86 and 2833 in x86_64, for a total of 2491
common packages (present in both architectures) and 960 unique ones.
I guess Chris was mentioning that accuracy is questionable...
my simple count gives
32 bit : 3109 packages - 179 obsolete = 2930
64 bit : 2833 packages - 13 obsolete = 2820
~ 4% difference
I will not be surprised if numbers are slight lower
and the obsolete are underestimated in both cases
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