Hi Cygwin-Team

I have a working suggestion to support basic aplay funcionallity for cygwin.
(aplay plays audio from command line.)

using this free 31 kB tool, download "sounder.exe"
(sourcecode free avail., but VisualBasic)
# http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/commandline-wav-player.php
and copy to /usr/bin/sounder (.exe)

# 1st Option: attached (2kB) aplay.c (my code, no restrictions)
gcc -O1 -o aplay.exe aplay.c
and copy to /usr/bin/
(only basic options supported, but covers most usecases)

# 2nd Option: Alias for bash
alias aplay_q='/usr/bin/sounder ' # -q --quiet
aplay () { file "$1" && sounder "$1"; } # default

Thanks for reading, Alexander

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