Greetings, Qw Liu!

>     I have legacy code (part A) written in Posix API that I want to
> port to Windows, and there is also some other necessary code (part B)
> written in Win32 API, but seems that I cannot use GCC on Cygwin to
> build them (A and B) together to get the executable program, since I
> met issue like "header missing" for Win32 API .
>     Is there any other method to resolve such problem? I considerred
> to build part B as dll first and build with part A on Cygwin. Is that
> okay?

My Crystal Ball is in service - overheated again...
WHAT header you are missing, exactly?
And before you answer that, you do aware, that mixing POSIX and Windows native
API calls is generally considered not a very good idea, right?
Depends on the kind of mix (stirred, not shaken?), you may be on a very sharp
edge of things.
Without looking at your code, one possible solution is to push all
platform-dependent code into a separate library, and load it at runtime.

Andrey Repin ( 24.02.2014, <13:49>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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