Hello, I was trying to build the waf cygport (i.e. 
http://sourceforge.net/p/cygwin-ports/waf/ci/master/tree/ ), and kept getting a 
cryptic error message:

*** ERROR: inherit: unknown cygclass python3

Since there was definitely a /usr/share/cygport/cygclass/python3.cygclass file, 
this made no sense to me.

I modified /usr/share/cygport/lib/inheritance.cygpart so that line 39 read

 error "inherit: unknown cygclass ${_privclassdir}/${classname}.cygclass WTF";

And got the interesting error message

.cygclass WTFherit: unknown cygclass /usr/share/cygport/cygclass/python3

That's when I realized that the CR character was being included in the module 

I ran dos2unix on the .cygport file and all was well.

You may want to modify cygport to handle DOS-style line-endings.

Steven Boswell

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