On 2014-02-28 22:49, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Peter Rosin!
>> If I:
> $ : >>tmp.c
>> $ gcc -E -Wmissing-include-dirs tmp.c >/dev/null
>> I get this annoying warning on stderr:
>> cc1: warning: ../../include/w32api: No such file or directory [enabled by 
>> default]
>> Searching the 'net suggests that it's an old bug:
>> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-07/msg00509.html
> Let me guess... You have /usr/bin in $PATH. Specifically you have it preceding
> /bin.
> Remove it.

Wasn't that problem that other way around? I.e. with /bin being
the bad option?

Anyway, let me guess... You didn't try the recipe. Please do that.

And no, I do not have both /bin and /usr/bin in $PATH, and it
doesn't matter which of them I have.


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