Oh, I think I see what I have done - I seem to have both C:\cygwin64
and C:\cygwin installed. :/

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Robert Mark
<robertmarkbram.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> /bin/svn is the old version too...
> Sun Mar 02 - 11:43 PM > /bin/svn --version
> svn, version 1.7.6 (r1370777)
>    compiled Aug 22 2012, 15:38:04
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Andrey Repin <anrdae...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>> Greetings, Robert Mark!
>>> I am using setup-x86_64.exe and choosing the latest SVN clients:
>>> http://i.imgur.com/TUyRyAq.png
>>> But after installing (and a reboot), SVN still shows up as the old version.
>>> Sun Mar 02 - 10:26 PM > svn --version
>>> svn, version 1.7.6 (r1370777)
>>>    compiled Aug 22 2012, 15:38:04
>>> It doesn't appear to be aliases anywhere else..
>>> Sun Mar 02 - 10:30 PM > type svn
>>> svn is hashed (/usr/bin/svn)
>>> Sun Mar 02 - 10:30 PM > which svn
>>> /usr/bin/svn
>>> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
>> Should be /bin/svn
>> There's no separate /usr/bin in Cygwn. Most likely, you're looking at the
>> wrong place.
>> --
>> WBR,
>> Andrey Repin (anrdae...@yandex.ru) 02.03.2014, <15:54>
>> Sorry for my terrible english...

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