On 4/4/2014 07:57, J. David Boyd wrote:
I (think I) recall that Pine used to be available in the Cygwin archive.

It no longer is?  Any ideas where to get a Cygwin compatible binary?

Pine is basically dead, partly because of licensing/trademark problems with the University of Washington, and partly due to waning interest from that same group. (Cite: http://goo.gl/SkfCef)

Alpine was created to solve those problems, though it went through about 4 years of no releases, too. Alpine development restarted last year: http://patches.freeiz.com/alpine/release/

Another fork is re-alpine: http://sourceforge.net/projects/re-alpine/

Someone who cares about a pine-like mail reader should start packaging one of these two for Cygwin.

(Not me. I rarely use pine/alpine, and then only to read cron complaints in mbox format on systems without a real SMTP setup. Even then, I probably use mailx more often.)

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