On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Frank Fesevur wrote:
> 2014-02-21 1:18 GMT+01:00 Adam Dinwoodie:
>>> - Install git-cvs and the assorted dependencies mentioned in its
>>>   setup.hint, and verify you can clone the Cygwin CVS repository.  I've
>>>   not managed to do this without hitting errors, but I suspect that's
>>>   because I'm using the tool incorrectly.
>> I've tried this.  I have `git cvsimport` seemingly working on the
>> current Git 1.7.9 build, while my build reports the following SHA1
>> error:
> Probably not going to solve this issue (I can't anything about CVS in
> the changelog), but you noticed that 1.9.0 had been released recently?
> Regards,
> Frank

Has there been any movement at all on git in the last six weeks?

What is "git-cvs"? There's no cygwin package by that name listed by setup.exe.

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