On 3/8/2014 12:50 AM, Cicero Silva Luiz Junior wrote:
My OS is Windows 8.1 x64. UAC is on, behavior set as Prompt for
Credentials on Secure Desktop. Only elavate executables that are
signed and only elevate apps in secure locations settings are both on.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

I just ran into this issue too.

Everything worked fine on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, but the same command on Windows 8.1 fails with the same error.

I'm using --no-admin, and have write access to the root and local folders.

This seems to be a Windows 8.1 (maybe 8 as well) issue.

I would be happy to provide any further information about this, but currently the command line method is useless on Windows 8.1 unless you have admin privileges.


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