On Apr 24 18:36, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Apr 24 11:34, Douglas Coup wrote:
> > If I do "which rm" and "which chmod", it shows that both commands
> > resolve to the Cygwin binaries.
> > 
> > The attached rm.notworking.trace file is from an "rm -f dac.txt"
> > command that gets the permission denied error; i.e., when the
> > permissions on the file are 444.  Things seem to start going south
> > at entry 34276.
> Gosh, how many ways to fail does transactional NTFS know?
> >    20   34002 [main] rm 7580 unlink_nt: Trying to delete 
> > \??\C:\mydocs\temp\dac.txt, isdir = 0
> >   274   34276 [main] rm 7580 unlink_nt: Opening \??\C:\mydocs\temp\dac.txt 
> > for removing R/O failed, status = 0xC0190052
> So you're getting a transaction error which isn't covered by the Cygwin
> this means.  How on earth can the TxF manager be "not online"?!?
> Unfortunately there's only very sparse information about this status
> code available.

Oh, btw., the associated Windows error code is 6719, and the english
error message is this:

  The object specified could not be created or opened, because its
  associated TransactionManager is not online.  The TransactionManager
  must be brought fully Online by calling RecoverTransactionManager to
  recover to the end of its LogFile before objects in its Transaction or
  ResourceManager namespaces can be opened.  In addition, errors in
  writing records to its LogFile can cause a TransactionManager to go

> Before I make any changes to Cygwin, I'll try to get some info from
> the Microsoft side of things...



Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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