On 2014-04-23 22:15, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
I tried to build wxWidgets-3.0.0 on Cygwin.
For Cygwin x86, the build was successful.

However, on Cygwin x86_64, the build failed at compling a cpp source file 

./include/wx/filename.h: In static member function 'static wxUniChar 
./include/wx/filename.h:473:43: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator[]' 
(operand types are 'wxString' and 'unsigned int')
          { return GetPathSeparators(format)[0u]; }

The code "(format)[0u]" seemed to be accepted g++-4.8.2 on Cygwin x86_64.
What the difference of g++ between that of  Cygwin x86 and that of Cygwin 

wxWidgets requires several patches to build and/or run correctly on Cygwin/X. I haven't looked at 3.0 yet, but for 2.8 this issue is fixed in my 2.8.12-cygwin64.patch:



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